Monday, December 14, 2009

Website Traffic

Are you looking for one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website ? Here's how

Friday, December 11, 2009

Social Networking

Merry Christmas . I just posted this photo to get your attention and yes those are $100 bills. Running any business is all about the money. No different than running your household. A lack of money no matter the reason with a business it could be a recession with your household it could be a lay off. No matter the reason you are forced to adjust. That is the downward spiral created by a recession. A business in many cases can only cut labour costs (By laying off) that of course directly effects families and household spending and that comes back around and means less sales for business. Banks tighten credit for business and every thing starts to get slower and the economy worsens. Of course frustration mounts as we read of the bonuses paid to corporate executives or watch our politicians travel first class to exotic locations for some trumped up trade mission. This double standard for those of us living in the real world can seem so unfair. I have just experienced the worst of that double standard when forced to lay good people off and watching the government seize my brothers Canada Pension for taxes and being harassed as his guardian by different government burecrats who are only concerned about money and not him. (He has a brian injury and requires 24hr care). It is in times like these that I have to fall back on my faith and ask God to bear the burden and to provide me with wisdom and hope. This is the season of hope for many of us with the celebration of Christ's birthday. Sometimes in life that hope is all that keeps us going. All of us struggle at times with the reality of life and it's troubles. Yes even the banker's big bonus won't heal a loved one or fix a broken relationship. Johnny Cash once said "Having money just means you have to worry about everything except money". Let us try and remember the real reason for the season this Christmas because for many of us December 25th was the day that "HOPE" came into the world and into our lives. I started this post to tell you about social networking and my mind wandered into my heart and my heart kind of took over. So forgive my rambling. Check out my new social networking site at and Happy Holidays.


Monday, December 7, 2009

Read my Articles

Hi Everyone just a quick post to let you know you can read my articles online at this link. All the best. Larry

This is the link to my poetry site

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Google Adwords

Hey there !! Well I have to say it's been an interesting few weeks real estate sales have pretty much slowed to a crawl but the appraisal end of things have picked up so no panic yet . I've had some time to work on web related business including several campains on Google Adwords. First I have a clickbank mall where I promote health related clickbank products. Next I have my GDI business where you can get your own domain name,hosting and 10 emails for only $10 per month not only that you get the easiest to use web building software to build your own website. Plus you can build a residual long term income by telling others about GDI. I used these tools to build my lead generating real estate site . My marketing site for GDI is feel free to check all these sites out and email me any questions. Well back to google adwords I have some tweaking to do. Still working on the magic formula.
Have a great Holiday season.


Friday, November 6, 2009

It's Not What You Make but What You Keep

I have a saying. "It's not what you make but what you keep that counts". My thoughts on this are explained on my website . My goal with this blog is to help those people with a desire to have a better life {and are willing to make an extra effort} Fulfill that desire. If you are content trading time for money and working with-in the confines of a system designed to keep you at a certain life style then I can't help you. Actually if you are content and happy you do not need any help. You see my definition of success is simply contentment. If you are content you are happy. Can money buy happiness ? No it can't. What money can do is reward you for doing something well. The doing something well and the satisfaction you feel,the sense of accomplishment you feel,the respect you acquire and the knowledge you acquire. Those are the things that will make you happy and the money is the measure of any business success. That money gives you relief from financial burdens and the opportunity to have more free time with the people you love. You see time is life's most valuable asset. The older you get the more you come to realize that. To state further; time to do what you love while you are still young enough and healthy enough to enjoy that particular endeavor . That time is absolutely precious. (Ask any former athlete)

Now I have made and lost a lot of money in my business career. I do not consider myself to be any great success but many people do. The difference between their opinion and mine revolves around perception. They see where I'm at today but not the road I've traveled to get here. I look back at that road and would not wish for anyone to have to travel it. I see moments of glory along a road strewn with heartache, loss, mistakes,deception,betrayal and dissappointment. Have I overcome all that ? Yes I suppose I have because I have never given up . So why would I not want anyone to travel that road ? Because that road is too hard. There were too many sacrifices. Too much time with loved ones lost. Too many things not done that I am now too old or do not have the desire to do. Why would I say all this to you and expect you to follow any advice from me ? Because I want you to realize that I am going to be absolutely honest with you. I am going to look back along that road and pick out those moments of glory and explain how I achieved them. I am going to analyze the dissappointments and explain how to avoid them . By following this blog you will travel with me as I tell you my life's storey about where I was, the road I traveled and where I'm at today . What I've done to make money,what I'm doing to make money and what I plan to do to make money. My next blog will start with "Where I'm at Today". Thanks and have a great day.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

My Best Day Ever

Well here we are October 23rd 2009. This was the best day I've ever had in real estate. We picked up cheques today from the lawyers totaling over $70,000. I thought last year when I received my commission for listing and selling a property for $1,450,000 ($54,000 commission) that that would be the best day I would ever have. Note: The $70,000 was all mine. No other agents or companies were involved. Needless to say we are in great shape for the coming winter and our firm has handled this recession with flying colours. The last two years are the best we've had in memory in over 30 years. We've accomplished this with more competition than we've ever had with all the big franchise's working in our market place. We do a lot of business on exclusive so most of our business is done under the radar so to speak (Not recorded on MLS). All our competitor's do everything on MLS so I can accurately compare our numbers to theirs. I know that my personal production so far (around 70 ends) is more than most offices with 10 or more sales people. So far I have saved my customers this year over $40,000 by listing and selling their properties on exclusive. They say happy wife happy life. In real estate I say happy customer happy life and a successful business.
Early in my career I thought if I were successful my competitors would admire and respect me. That was a misconception . As my career progressed I was often distressed by the personal attacks my competition continually made about my character and ability. Then I listened to Donald Trumps's "Think Big and Kick Ass" book on audio tape. He made this comment " Why would you be concerned if your competition doesn't treat you with respect ?'
He said " In the old west everyone always wanted to shoot the fastest gun." That statement helped me put things in the proper perspective. Now when some salesperson with 3 months experience gives me a hard time. I just grin and bear it. No I actually laugh all the way to the bank as I wait the short time it takes them to fail and leave the business. You see if there is anything I have learned about people it is that you always treat them with respect and never judge them. Everyone you meet can teach you something but only if you treat them with respect. Many brokers make the mistake of convincing new sales people that their company and sales people are so much better than the competition that they do not treat them with respect. I believe we all reap what we sow. Appreciation is the greatest human want. WHY ?? Because appreciation is so rare . Appreciation starts with respect for another persons point of view.

Well that's all for now. Have a great fall. I'm off to show a house !!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

How To Make Money In Real Estate

I was talking with a customer the other day . (He has bought over $2,000,000 worth of real estate through me in the past two years.) He said he would never consider any real estate transaction without my involvement. Now this is a knowledgable well educated man. I asked him why ? He said to me. Larry you do not even realize your own ability. You can look at any situation in a real estate transaction and come up with a viable commonsense solution that actualy works for both sides. Over the years you have developed the ability to analyze and solve problems that borders on genius. This genius is based on your uncanny ability to understand people and explain things to them in a way that they can understand it. You are the absolute best problem solver I have ever met. You are a genius at solving problems and I would never get involved in a real estate transaction with out you on my side.
Now that is quite a compliment . Especialy since I normaly refer to myself as "The big ugly guy with a beard" . My daughter Natasha (who is my assisstant and has been my right hand for many years) has often suggested I start a web site to teach others the skills I have learned over the years. So I have decided to use this blog as my venue to start . Now I realize there are many Guru's you can follow who promote their ability to make money and charge you big bucks for their supposed secrets. Usualy they make more money selling hope and dreams to people than actual money making secrets that have actualy worked for them. Of course if they have been successful they tend to leave out the part about how hard it is to succeed in anything . (That is the first fact of Life you need to understand) My daughter has also said I should call my site runagade realtor (tm) or rebel realtor (tm) because I never do anything the way other real estate people do. That is true to a certain point. The truth is I study what is working for other people and then rework what I learn to suit myself and my goals. After I rework it it may appear to be radicly different but what I do is always based on research of some technique that has worked before. (I do not try to re-invent the wheel)
Most people conform to society
Radical people try to get society to conform to them
Thus most change is initiated by radical people.
If you do what everyone else does you end up where everyone else ends up!
90% of the money made in real estate sales is made by 10% of the people and some industry experts are claiming that is closer to 95% and 5% now.
That's enough for now. Think about what I've said. I am going to be posting some of what I've learned and I am in that 5% if you are interested and want to follow my blog. I have to get going as my wife is waiting but it is Thanks Giving Week End and have a great Thanks Giving . Talk Soon

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Work On Line This Winter

Hi There, Here are some links to my money making web sites for you to check out. Any questions drop me an email at ( This is a great product where you recieve your domain name, hosting and 10 custom emails for only $10.00 per month. Great tools anyone can build their own web site and you can build s residusl income by telling others about the product and opportunity. Watch the video and see what you think.) (this a link to a great little on line business where she holds you by the hand and shows you how to make money on line with very little up front costs.) (This link is a link to my clickbank shopping mall where you can buy and recieve information on over 10,000 products. check it out now )

Septembers here

Hey there !! What a week ,I've had seven sales the past week and have been super busy. No time for anything on line at all. Not complaining though as sales and closings now will help get us organized for winter. We have gotten a long way towards opening our buy and sell business thanks to Barry and Pru along with help from Hughie and George. Norm finished crackfilling the basement and we are getting our inventory organized. Jody and I spent Sunday night fishing in Tenecape for stripers but no luck. We had a weekend down at Barry's camp and here are some photos. Fall's in the air. All the best Luke

Friday, August 21, 2009

Stewiacke River Fishing Trip

Hard to believe we get time to do all we do and go fishing too. Jody and I left at 4am and were on the River at Middle Stewiacke by 6 am with a planned day floating down river fly fishing the elusive brown trout. After only a few quick water spots we ended up paddling for about 9 hours. With no trout rising I switched to a small rappela minnow lure and i was amazed when I caught bass after small mouth bass. What a day (all catch and release of course). Here are some photos including some of the brown trout Jody caught this year.

Having a Busy Year

Sorry for not posting but I haven't stopped all year. I've had over 50 ends (sales) and little time for anything but real estate. I did get a couple of fishing trips in and I'm going to post some photos of our trips on the Stewiacke River and lake Charlotte . The photos are of Myself and Hughie at lake Charolette and Myself and my son in law Jody on the Stewiacke River. Can't believe it's August.

Here's our camper and boat at Lake Charlotte

All the best Luke. Check out my new websites and

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Living and Learning

Hey, here we are at the middle of May and finaly we're getting some sunshine. Real estate has slowed down as it always does when an election is called so I've been doing some work on my internet business. We've got a new membership site now that teaches you how to get traffic to your web site. Check it out free for a month . Getting late but I'll be posting more information about internet marketing later . Here's a site with three of the best work at home opportunities if you want to check it out . What do you think of the domain name . Every one is looking for a way to solve problems created by this recession thus . Keep your head up and your stick on the ice and I'll be talking to you soon.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Recession Survival for Small Business

Not only are we in recession but here in Nova Scotia we've had a severe winter with 12 major storms. Makes it hard to sell Nova Scotia real-estate which is one of our primary business interests. The photo at the left is a view of my driveway. (Thank God for my plow truck)
With the economy and the weather many small business owners will be struggling as a survivor of two recessions and 30 years in business I thought it would be a good time to post some words of advice to fellow business owners based on my 30 plus years of mistakes and surving those mistakes. So in the coming days as time permits I will be posting some of my survival stories and tips about overcoming a tough business economy to perhaps offer words of encouragement and hope to my fellow entrepeneurs and small business people.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Hey it's Sunday nite and we're staying in Lexington West Virginia .The temperature is 9 and like our falls back home. We are going to relax in warmer weather for a week and then head back to the real world. Tash and Kim are holding down the fort. I've been posting some adds for click bank products and made $271.00 so that's not too bad. Have a great day. Larry

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Opportunities to Learn

Hey there !! Welcome to my blog. Great to see you here . I'm always looking for opportunities to learn and increase my knowledge thus increasing my earning opportunities. I've been in business now for over 30 years. Many different business's over the years. Here are links to some of my websites
I also own a restaurant ,have an ebay store and I'm a clickbank affiliate marketer. My hobbies are photography, reading, painting and writing. You can read my poems at . Drop by anytime and may be we can learn together. All the best
